Monday, October 15, 2012

This Heathen Temple Will Stand Tall

Pig Destroyer - Book Burner
I'm changing the review format for this one a bit. Explaining why this record is good isn't going to work, because even if a person academically understands why this album is of a certain quality, the music may well sear the flesh from their frames. Pig Destroyer specializes in creating music which can only be described in superlatives. Fastest. Heaviest. Scariest. Angriest. Most Disturbing. This is the kind of thing that separates potential listeners into two camps: Yes Please! and OH MY GOD NO MAKE IT STOP.

I imagine the amount of people on Earth who would enjoy this kind of thing hovers around a half a percent of the total, and that's being generous to your individual staminas. I myself happen to be of that group and therefore I find this release a bracing dose of Pig Destroyer doing what it does best: short bursts of aural psychosis. For the rest of you, just hope you never come across this record (or any of PxDx's oeuvre, for that matter) in a dark alley, because it will do things to you. Unpleasant things.

If you think this might be just the sort of thing for you, then by all means, give them a listen. They're streaming their new LP Book Burner here right now.